RLM License Center (RLM Activation Pro), v11.1
This web interface is used to administer the
RLM Activation Pro database.
rlc allows you to perform status and administration functions on the RLM activation database.
To begin, please log in. Then choose a tab at the top.
ISV:  | lixoft
Server host:  | activate2.lixoft.com
Database Server host:  | lixoftrlm2.mysql.db
Database:  | lixoftrlm2
Database size (Mb):  | 17.578
RLM Activation Pro version:  | v11.1BL2-p0 (18-jun-2014)
Current Local Server Time:  | 1:00 Thu, 1970-01-01
View Activation Pro Manual
Reprise Software, Inc.
1530 Meridian Ave
Suite 290
San Jose, CA 95125